Saturday, May 14, 2016

We're Off

San Jose, California

We've now said goodbye to family, friends, neighbors, and home -- at least for a little while. The last week was pretty crazy, and I think we were all a little grumpy (at least I was) trying to get it all done. Completing repairs on the front of the house and dismantling the tandems were top priorities. I recruited Dex and Kylie one night to do the painting honors. 

So, all in all, the house is looking good, deferred maintanence now complete. 
It’s as de-cluttered and organized as it’s been since the day we moved in 14 years ago when all we had were the belongings from Meg’s and my 600 sq. ft. apartment. Our neighbor Jane has been a powerhouse helping us sort, toss, and box our accumulations. In general, the process of going through virtually every shelf, closet, cupboard and box has been very cathartic. I highly recommend it if you’ve got four weeks of spare time on your hands.

Since we’re renting the house fully furnished, we’ve gotten away with moving a relatively small pile of boxes to our 10x30’ storage unit, although the Honda fills in the remaining space quite nicely. 

Kylie’s 9th birthday was Thursday, ensuring that all of us will have one, and only one, birthday away (assuming we are back for Meg’s 50th on 8/14/17.) 
Kylie was blue on Friday as the reality of her last day in 3rd grade hit her and the fact that we would not be back for many months.  At only 108 months old, 15 months is a pretty large percentage (13.9%). Dex is much more gung-ho. I think he highly values not having to go to school. I’ve warned him, however, that he may not like his new teachers (Mr. and Mrs. Hoornaert) as much as Mr. Thorner.

My brother Dan came by on Friday night to reassemble and haul in the bedroom and study furniture, which I'd stacked in the living room for the carpet installation just that morning. 

Terminix comes by next week to put out the bait stations intended to kill off the subterranean termite colony.  At least that’s the $1400 theory. In any event, I liked the Terminix plan infinitely better than the Orkin guy’s, which required drilling through the cement floors and interior walls!

During the last few days, it’s become painfully clear that we’re not exactly traveling light. I suppose compared to driving a Winnebago, we’re minimalists, but then you don't actually have to dismantle, foam wrap, and intricately pack the various parts into regulation-sized suitcases.  

Each of the four bike “boxes” weighs in at nearly 50 lbs.  Add in two 50lb duffles of actual gear and now your talking real weight. We clearly won't be running through any airports. 


  1. I do KNOW what you are going through. We lived 31 years @ Mossbrook Avenue and I purged ALOT. People didn't understand why I'd get rid of 'stuff.'
    It's a great feeling, and we, as a society don't really need a LOT of things. Gear is important, and is necessary. Enjoy your ride, ha, literally, and physically.
    Remember to tell us if you settled in a spot for a bit. We'd love to join you.
