Friday, July 1, 2016

So Long Switzerland

To Huningue, France -- 44.3 miles, 11.7 mph, 1625 ft

Hello Bloggers, Meg here.  Today's ride was totally in my wheelhouse.  The profile showed a climb of less than 1000 feet in the first half of the day, with the remaining miles on a steady downhill trajectory -- on loaded tandems, that makes for a sweet ride.

We got the morning started off at Ruth and Michael's beautiful flat (thank you WarmsShowers) where we had cereal with COLD milk for breakfast.  It is no wonder I was feeling pretty good on the climb. Dexter was also super powered as he had peanut butter for the first time in over a month.  Both kids were able to enjoy hot chocolate, while Dean had his cappuccino.

We were well-oiled machines loving the gentle 3% grade that was put before us around mile 15 or so. On top of all that, the scenery remained incredibly interesting and pretty.  We had lost our jagged Alps, replaced by the lower and lusher Jura range; still very Swiss-like and proper.  I do believe every home has flower boxes in every window, shutters that are shiny or just rightly weathered, interesting homes that are either modern or well cared for chalets.  Dean has been reading up on Swiss facts and for a small country with 8 million people, it seems everyone is a gardener or an avid outdoors person. Nice combo!  We've been loving the Swiss National Bike Routes; now we can override Miss Cranky whenever the Swiss signs say to turn right and NOT left.

One awesome event that occurred on the day's one climb, was that we completed our thousandth mile!  To celebrate, Dean declared that Dex and Kylie could pick out a bag of candy (each!) and we all shared a can of pizza flavored Pringles. No... expense... spared! 
New favorite grocery store

After our fancy-pants celebratory lunch, we discovered that our end destination, camping outside of Basel, was actually in France, and not Switzerland. It seems Basel is at the junction of France, Germany, and Switzerland.  We're on the west (French) side of the Rhine, looking into Germany to the north and Switzerland to the south (it's not just the kids learning geography on this trip!) 
Looking north.  Germany on the Right, France to the left.

After arriving at a respectable 3:30, the kids and Dean went for a swim in the river.  The Rhine really moves and is a busy thoroughfare for barges and boats.  Fortunately, our little campground was near a shallow and inviting inlet.  Swans preferred the spot too.  The cool water felt great on my feet, but given my recent shower, I didn't feel the need to leap in.

We were a little sad to be leaving Switzerland so soon, so we decided to use up our remaining francs and splurge on dinner out -- our first restaurant since discovering that eating out in Switzerland is not for the faint of wallet.  Our Thai food dinner was extremely yummy and Dex declared it his second favorite meal of the trip.


  1. Can you take grown ups, adults or at least older cousins on your next trip 😃
